Updated AAA meeting information

I hope everyone is getting excited for San Francisco! We have updated the information on the conference page to include details about the ADTSG business meeting as well as room numbers for all three of our panels so make sure to download a fresh copy.

Also our social coordinator, Roland has suggested we plan out group outing for Saturday night at 8:00pm for Lefty O’Douls (333 Geary). It is a large establishment that serves food and drinks of various kinds. We will plan on congregating in the back corner. If you would like to walk over with the group, we will most likely meet up at the Hilton Hotel Lobby a little before 8pm.
If for some reason this venue or time changes, we will post something on the website.

Finally, if you haven’t done so already, make sure you subscribe to this blog to get updates sent directly to your email! Its super easy.

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That’s all for now, see everyone in San Francisco!!

Taz Karim
ADT Study Group, Chair