SfAA Call for Papers: Drug, Food, Medicine


Drug, Food, Medicine: Emerging Topics in the Anthropology of Consumption

Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting 
Santa Fe, New Mexico (March 28-April 1, 2017) 

What we put in our bodies reflects our ideas about not only who we are and where we come from, but also where we are, and where we wish to be. Our choices about what we put into our bodies may be shaped and supported or constrained by traditions (spiritual/religious, kin, culture) and new directions (fads/trends, social movements) as well as trails (how we move through the world). Traditions, trails, and new directions in consumption can be shaped and constrained by public policies, economic conditions, global markets, and our own changing ideas of what is good and appropriate to put in our bodies, or in the bodies of others. Changing ideas about consumable goods may also spur new directions in other domains of public life (public policies, social media). Places of access and consumption may become contested spaces within new ideological or economic regimes (smoke/vapefree spaces, food deserts). Institutions and practitioners may accommodate or resist innovations (medical cannabis). In this session we tap into ideas developed within the anthropology of consumption to consider what we put into our bodies; how we obtain those things; and how these consumption practices are interdependent within current ideas about food, medicine, markets, and bodies. Intersectional approaches are welcome.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

* Cannabis: a plant, a medicine, a drug of abuse
* Food access and disability
* Soda tax, race, and economic justice
* Smoking and vaping in public and private spaces
* Water rights in health and environmental justice
* Corner store & liquor stores in popular discourse and practice

To submit abstracts (rough draft is OK) please REPLY TO Juliet Lee (jlee@prev.org) by Oct. 10; panel will be submitted by Oct. 15. Note that authors will need to register before the panel can be submitted.